New Facebook page
After a technical blip, it has been necessary to create a new Facebook page for our school. Please like and follow to keep up to date with what is happening in school.
After a technical blip, it has been necessary to create a new Facebook page for our school. Please like and follow to keep up to date with what is happening in school.
Lincolnshire Reading Pledge - Bronze Award
We are really proud to welcome you to our school, please click the link to find out more about St. George's Cof E Primary. St Georges trailer.mp4 - Google Drive
Thursday July 8th to Tuesday July 13th. Pupils will be able to purchase books during school hours.
We hope everyone has a relaxing Easter holiday and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 19th April.
26/1/21 - School is closed today due to weather conditions.
25/1/21 - School is closed today due to weather conditions.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Thursday 3rd September.
We celebrated World Book Day this year by dressing up as different characters from books.
Great success for our Lego Robotics club, which has been running for less than a year and is supported by one of our parents, Mr Shead in association with Perkins and Caterpillar.
Don't forget to come along to our Christmas Fair on Saturday 7th December.
The Mini Police have been busy ensuring safety on the roads near to the school by using the speed detection device and stopping drivers who are speeding.